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Closing dinner

It is the heat of 1500 people to close the two days of celebrations.

A party that saw the presence, as well as of the Umbra Partners, of UmbraGroup employees.

Antonio Baldaccini, CEO of UmbraGroup, thanked for the final dinner, saying: "Thank you for having intervened so many at this wonderful event: The 45th birthday of UmbraGroup. I thank all our customers for the confidence that they renew each year, our shareholders who invest with foresight on the future of UmbraGroup, our partners who with their support allow us to create high-tech products, all our employees and their families who daily invest precious time in developing our Group and then thanks to all the friends who share with us these beautiful moments together. Congratulations UmbraGroup!"


A loud applause after the launch of the video that, better than any words, tells the 45 years of UmbraGroup.

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