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UMBRAGROUP: Announces the new Board of Directors

Eng. Reno Ortolani is the new President of the Board of Directors

UMBRAGROUP is celebrating its 50th anniversary and along with the approval of the 2021 Budget, it has appointed a new Board of Directors. The new Board represents a rotation of people and positions that combine continuity and renewal.

Antonello Marcucci, outgoing President, says: “After a long experience that lasted 14 years, I decided  to leave the Umbragroup Chairmanship and initiate a gradual process to renew the Board of Directors. In this last decade, especially for me, Umbragroup was a magnificent, deeply engaging experience in which I was deeply committed and personally contributed to the growth of the Group. I leave the company in excellent health, both economically and financially, despite the enormous difficulties of the recent years. This should be considered a good omen for further growth aimed at the achievement of even more ambitious goals".

Eng. Reno Ortolani will take the baton as Board Chairman. It was he, together with Eng. Valter Baldaccini, who established and expanded this company: "I am aware of our legacy and of the responsibility towards our community, which we must safeguard. The change of Governance is an important moment in a company’s life which usually coincides with a turning point in strategies and a strengthening of its vision. In this case, 2022 will be the year of the recovery for UMBRAGROUP. The new Board of Directors and its delegates inherit a great tradition, that is based on our values ​​- F.I.R.S.T. - and further our vision of being an agile partner, innovative and passionate for our customers. As President, I will marshal all my experience and my know-how and I will try to facilitate internal and external dialogues with all stakeholders ".

The new Board of Directors will consist of members composed of representatives from both of the majority shareholders, Poliscom srl and Safin srl. This guarantees knowledge and continuity and independent directors, who contribute complementary and valuable skills.

Eng. Ortolani reveals the Board Members: “Dr. Beatrice Baldaccini, as Vice President, Eng. Matteo Notarangelo, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Leonardo BaldacciniDr. Marco Rossi, Eng. Sonia Bonfiglioli and Dr. Sara Ortolani, a team of seven agile and competent individuals, with the goal of establishing a vision for business growth ensuring cutting-edge and long-term value creation for the communities where we operate "

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