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Safety First!

As our video also says, “Safety first of all!”

UMBRAGROUP has always been committed to giving top priority to worker safety. It is a commitment that concerns not only its employees, but also all the organizations that collaborate with the company, and who are asked to meet the relevant requirements. At the company level we introduced, in 2012, a system for managing workers’ health and safety that complies with the UNI ISO 45001:2018 for all production sites.

In addition, the parent company in Foligno falls within the scope of Italian Legislative Decree 105/2015 (Seveso) concerning the use of certain dangerous substances.

Day-to-day safety projects

In addition to working in a safe environment, UMBRAGROUP wants to instill a day-to-day safety culture in its employees and consultants. Among our FIRST values is Social Responsibility. For this reason, we promote projects that remind everyone, even those outside the Group, of the importance of a safe environment.

Since 2017 UMBRAGROUP S.p.A. has taken an active part in the World Day for Safety and Health at Work promoted by the Italia Loves Sicurezza (Italy Loves Safety) movement [link to site homepage], with projects covering important aspects of this topic not only within companies, but also at home. It’s a way to provide workers with practical advice that can also be useful for their family and household. And of course, there’s also something for the youngsters, who can begin to approach some important concepts through play and games.

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